
Now let's talk about the Focuser base class.

This class, along with several of the other base classes available, adds some extra standard properties, like being able to choose between serial or TCP communication.

You can tell the base class which type of connection your driver supports by calling setSupportedConnections in your constructor.

You can also tell the base Focuser class what capabilities your focuser has by calling SetCapability in your constructor. This is a common paradigm across INDI base classes. The capabilities you set here will determine which methods you will need to override.

    FOCUSER_CAN_ABS_MOVE       = 1 << 0, /*!< Can the focuser move by absolute position? */
    FOCUSER_CAN_REL_MOVE       = 1 << 1, /*!< Can the focuser move by relative position? */
    FOCUSER_CAN_ABORT          = 1 << 2, /*!< Is it possible to abort focuser motion? */
    FOCUSER_CAN_REVERSE        = 1 << 3, /*!< Is it possible to reverse focuser motion? */
    FOCUSER_CAN_SYNC           = 1 << 4, /*!< Can the focuser sync to a custom position */
    FOCUSER_HAS_VARIABLE_SPEED = 1 << 5, /*!< Can the focuser move in different configurable speeds? */
    FOCUSER_HAS_BACKLASH       = 1 << 6  /*!< Can the focuser compensate for backlash? */
} FocuserCapability;

See the indi_dummy_focuser in this project for a barebones example of a focuser.